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Metropolian font


Note of the author

I’d been looking for a project and came upon a type face called Metropolis, in a 1897 American Type Founders, New York specimen book. 

Metropolian is my ‘revival’ of Metropolis.

It is provided in two weights. Display for use at larger sizes and the slightly weightier Text for smaller sizes and body copy. Body copy set in Display looks a bit “spider crawled across the page” so I made the Text version to make the project more usable.

Metropolian is served free for personal use and as is, but I would encourage anyone downloading and using it to consider a modest donation to the ‘buy the author a beer fund’ using the donate button on the right of this page. For use in commercial projects, a donation should be considered mandatory and not making one will induce seriously bad Karma.

Hope you enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed bringing it back to life.

(Note: I’m still new to font making, so comments and suggestions for improvements are most welcome and will be heeded. ;-) . Thanks once again to the mods and staff of Dafont for their time and patience without which this wouldn’t have been possible.)

Update with a more complete glyph set and improved metrics.


Metropolian font download, Metropolian font.