Vorschau Größe Fonts
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Ruhaniyat  font


Anmerkung des Autors


This demo version of my font is free for PERSONAL, NON COMMERCIAL use only. For example: you want to check whether this font fits your project or not, you want to print birthday cards for a family member or you want to use it for a school project.

you can not use the demo font for social media/youtube

you cannot use the demo font for commercial activities

you cannot use the demo font in (self published) books

you cannot use the demo font in apps or games

etc. etc. etc.

ANY NON PERSONAL USE requires a license. Visit my site www.ensotype.com for more information, or use the contact form to get in touch.

And please, DO NOT CONTACT ME ABOUT HOW TO INSTALL A FONT. You will find lots and lots of instructions and how to's on dafont.com and fontspace.com

Ruhaniyat font download, Ruhaniyat font.