Vorschau Größe Fonts
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60s Scoreboard
Lcd - Modern
60s Scoreboard  font

60s Scoreboard font

Anmerkung des Autors

FixCystNeon is a retro display face which, at certain point sizes, can create seemless white or coloured text on a black background. The character guide and sample text shown here is at nine point size. Please refer to the read me document for specific instructions about enabling text with the black background.Anmerkung des Autors

60s Scoreboard is a recreation of the dot-matrix scoreboard displays of many sports stadiums past. This font was originally created on Fontstruct.com (original URL: http://fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/343207/).

This font is free to download and use for personal, non-commercial purposes. If you enjoy this font and see yourself using it on a regular basis, please consider a donation of at least US$5 to qxz@verizon.net (or simply click on https://www.paypal.me/JohnIsles/5 to simplify the process).

For commercial usage of this font -- including, but not limited to, usage in advertisements (TV, print, and/or web), broadcasts (TV and/or web), professional printing, software, et. al. -- please contact me at john_h_isles@yahoo.com first before donating.

60s Scoreboard is (c) 2010-16 John H. Isles, iv and Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives license

(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). This license is subject to modifications without any prior notice.

60s Scoreboard font download, 60s Scoreboard font.