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Hangyaboly font


Note of the author

HANGYABOLY is a "freemouse" experimental cartoonish font, I drew the letters directly and spontaneously into the font software with the mouse (thats what I call "freemouse", after "freehand"). No scratch, no background tracing. It means Ant Hill, I named it after the "g" what reminded me an ant.

This font is free for PERSONAL use only. For any commercial use (anything you make money from), you must send a paypal donation to myhandwritings@gmail.com.

This is almost a full version, with Central and Western European accents and letters, plus Cyrillic!

Feel free to contact me via myhandwritings@gmail.com

also about the following:

- If it does not cover the language extension you specially needed (some are missing though)

- Discovering kerning problems while using 

- Or any other question or feedback. 

Thank you & I hope you like this font,


Hangyaboly font download, Hangyaboly font.