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Imprenta Royal Nonpareil
Imprenta Royal Nonpareil font

Imprenta Royal Nonpareil 

Imprenta Royal Nonpareil Beveled and Imprenta Royal Nonpareil Trash, by Intellecta Design


Imprenta Royal Nonpareil Beveled and Imprenta Royal Nonpareil Trash has different set styles than the original font, to use as free personal ideas, non-commercial. 


To purchase the original font and to acquire commercial licences,

please, visit: http://new.myfonts.com/fonts/intellecta/imprenta-royal-nonpareil/


Visit my commercial library : http://new.myfonts.com/foundry/Intellecta_Design/


Donations are appreciated!




Imprenta Royal Nonpareil is the Intellecta’s version of “Nonpareil”, an ancient font founded in the rare book “Muestras de los Punzones y Matrices de Letra que se funde en el Obrador de la Imprenta Real, Madrid, Ano de 1799”. The original sample has only 33 letters. That letters were the start to this enhanced version with 223 gliphs. These kind of letters were used, in those times, for head-lines and titling. 

Imprenta Royal Nonpareil font download, Imprenta Royal Nonpareil font.